Complete a distance goal by combining multiple swims.
Launch a Swimming Challenge and inspire your participants to dive in! This template is crafted to simplify your setup process, offering preconfigured milestones and progress tracking to ensure a smooth experience for both you and your participants.
This challenge allows participants to rack up personal yards, while also contributing to a larger collective distance goal.
How it works
- Participants start/stop activity via the app or their connected device.
- Manual entry of distance is allowed.
- Teams optional.
- Participants’ distances are added together towards a collective goal.
Additional options for this event
- Add a team leaderboard
- Allow manual entries
How it works
1. Create
Create your event based on this ready-to-go template.
- Customize the configuration based on your preferences.
- Personalize your event by uploading your logo and artwork.
- Publish the event.
2. Start
Invite your participants using our template emails, or write your own.
- Invite your team to join.
- Users can join with just a few clicks.
- The event starts automatically on the configured start date.
3. Go!
It's go time! Enjoy and engage.
- Build hype around your event through the social feed
- Encourage your team to join the event and be active
- Participant connect their favorite device to track
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